Learn about the rules and requirements to operate a child care program in Ontario.
In Ontario, child care providers must follow the rules set out in the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 ( CCEYA ) and its regulations. The CCEYA sets out the standards, rules and regulations that must be met to ensure the safety and well-being of children. The act applies to:
This act does not apply to:
The CCEYA came into effect on August 31, 2015 and replaced the Day Nurseries Act .
All licensed child care settings must:
Child care and early years programs must also follow the COVID‑19 health and safety measures.
The Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System ( CWELCC ) will provide funding to participating licensed child care programs to reduce fees for parents of children under the age of six.
Parents of children who are eligible for CWELCC child care can withdraw their children without penalty, if they:
Licensed child care providers must update their parent handbook to include information about:
Child care providers must comply with the terms and conditions of their agreement with their local service system manager and must keep a copy so that it is available to their program advisor upon request.
As a licensee, there are different types of fees that you can charge.
A base fee includes:
For licensees who enrol in the CWELCC system, service system managers will provide funding to reduce base fees for eligible children.
Non-base fees are for optional items or optional services, such as transportation (where it is an optional service), field trips, late fees or NSF fees in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the parent and licensee.
For children under the age of six, you must freeze parent fees at the amount charged on March 27, 2022. This includes all fees, such as daily or monthly child care fees, registration or administration fees, transportation fees and other optional fees.
Licensed child care programs can increase fees only if it was communicated to parents before March 27, 2022.
Parent fees will remain frozen until the licensed child care program:
Licensed child care programs that choose to participate in the CWELCC system will receive funding to reduce parent fees through a phased approach.
Fee reductions take effect as soon as your program enrols with your service system manager. In 2022, participating programs were required to reduce base fees by 25%. A second fee reduction came into effect on December 31, 2022, when fees were further reduced by an additional 37%. If you enrol with your service system manager after December 31, 2022, the total fee reduction of 52.75% is required.
If you applied for enrolment in 2022, you must issue credits or refunds to parents for any overpayments retroactive to April 2022. You will receive funding to provide these refunds or credits from your service system manager.
If you apply for enrolment in 2023, you must issue credits or refunds to parents for any overpayments retroactive to the enrolment date set out in your independent service agreement.
The fee freeze will be lifted for licensed child care programs who choose not to participate in the CWELCC system.
A licensed child care program can raise fees if you notify your service system manager and parents that you have chosen not to participate.
Programs that choose not to participate:
Take the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 self-test to test your knowledge and understanding of Ontario's licensing requirements for child care centres.
All licensing activity, like submitting a serious occurrence or requesting a revision to your license, must be done in the Child Care Licensing System.
To access the Child Care Licensing System ( CCLS ), login using your One-key ID .
Learn how to navigate the CCLS and perform key functions.
The following resources provide guidance on operating a licensed child care program and may be helpful to new applicants, existing licensees, service system managers and First Nations:
Additional resources, such as sample policies, are available in the “Tools and Resources” section of the Child Care Licensing System.
Here are some of the forms you might need when operating a child care program.
Staff and parents can apply for medical exemptions for immunizations. Download the statement of medical exemption.
Staff and parents can apply for religious or conscience exemptions for immunizations. Download the statement of conscience or religious belief.
Child care licensees can use this form to meet provincial requirements for offence declarations. Download the sample offence declaration form.
Child care licensees can use this form to meet provincial requirements for offence declarations for people who provide care and are:
Child care licensees can use this form to meet provincial requirements for attestations for people who provide care and are: