If you find yourself out of work because of an injury or illness, you may be able to claim short-term disability benefits. While these benefits can help you pay for everyday expenses as you recover, they are meant to replace your standard income, which means that they are usually taxed. When you fill out your 1040 tax return, you will need to understand how to enter short-term disability taxes.
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Short-term disability benefits are commonly paid to cover temporarily a certain percentage of your base salary in the event that you can't work. The reason for needing short-term disability benefits could be anything from a mental illness or physical illness to childbirth or an injury.
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If you're wondering if you qualify for short-term disability benefits, these benefits can work differently with each company. Some companies automatically provide short-term disability insurance immediately after hiring an employee.
There's also the possibility that your employer will not provide this insurance until you have worked for them for a specific period of time. When you qualify for short-term disability benefits, you can expect these benefits to cover anywhere from 40 percent to 80 percent of your base salary while you remain out of work.