Measurement Worksheets: Yards, Feet, and Inches

Printable worksheets for standard American linear measurement, including inches, feet, and yards. Includes using rulers to measure to the nearest inch, half inch, quarter inch, and eighth inch. Also, there are worksheets for converting between feet, yards, and inches.

Measuring Yards, Feet, and Inches Worksheets

Nearest Inch

With this worksheet, students will practice their measurement skills by finding and recording the lengths of each insect shown to the nearest inch.

1st through 3rd Grades

Common Core

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Use this worksheet to practice measuring in inches with a ruler. Items on the sheet include familiar school supplies, such as a pencil, calculator, and scissors.

1st through 3rd Grades

Common Core

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Your students will be experts at using a ruler and measuring to the nearest inch after practicing with these flash cards.