A credit reference is a document, person, or company that provides information on an individual's credit history. Lenders, landlords, and others can request them.
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A credit reference may be required if you apply for a loan or credit card, or if you’re applying for a new lease, utilities, or job.
Lenders and credit card companies don’t extend credit to just anyone. There’s a process to getting approved. A credit reference is a part of that process that gives them a quick look at your creditworthiness. That can also be useful to a landlord, utility company, or potential employer. In this article, we’ll look at what a credit reference is and how they are used.
A credit reference can help a lender, potential landlord, utility company, or employer gauge your creditworthiness, or ability to repay money that you borrow. An example of a credit reference is a credit report issued by a credit reporting bureau. Other types of credit reference are asset documents and character references. Lenders will typically require a credit reference when assessing the risk of issuing an applicant a loan or credit card. Landlords may also use them when assessing prospective tenants. Utility companies and employers may also require them.
You might be asked to provide a credit reference in several different scenarios. Here are some situations where you may encounter this:
How to go about obtaining a credit reference will depend upon which type of credit reference is being requested.
For credit cards and loans, a lender will typically pull your credit report themselves.
When obtaining an asset statement, you’ll need to request the documents yourself through your bank or broker.
When it comes to character references, you may be able to obtain a letter from the party in question. Alternatively, your prospective landlord or employer may instead request your reference’s contact information so they can speak to them themselves.
A credit reference can help or hinder your chances of obtaining credit, a mortgage, apartment, or job. Consider checking your credit report first to see what information is on there. Checking your credit report may also help you to identify mistakes or inaccuracies, which you could correct; something that could help your credit report.