Friends! I recently appeared for OCA exam and scored 95%. Here i am sharing few techniques and exam question patterns which must be helping you while appearing for OCA test. This exam guarantee to ask question on the below topics or we can say statements. Exam code: 1Z0-808 1. Must practice the differences between str1 == str2 and str1.equals(str2). Example-1.1:
Reason: Because String class equals method compare objects, but == operator only compares references. If both the references are pointing to the same object then only == operator returns true. Example-1.2:
== equals
Reason: Because both the references are pointing to the same object so “==” printed and If both the reference are pointing to the same object so by default they the equal so “equals” printed. 2. Study ternary operator and its compile time errors. Example-2.1:
4. Lambda expression and its simplified forms. Java Lambda Expression Syntax: (argument-list) -> 4.1 Lambda Expression Example: No Parameter
4.2 Lambda Expression Example: Single Parameter
4.3 Lambda Expression Example:Multiple Parameter
5. Study the difference between &(Bitwise AND) and &&(Logical AND) Operator. Example-5.1:
Output of && operator: a = 11 b = 20 ------------- Output of & operator: a = 11 b = 19
Reason: Because ‘&&’ operator doesn’t check second operand if value for the first operand is ‘false’. But ‘&’ must check both the operands. Note: These concept definitely covers 10 – 12 questions in OCA Exam.
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