Pursuant to T.C.A § 39-17-1351(r)(3)(A), Tennessee will enter into written reciprocity agreements with other states that require the execution of such agreements. Licensing requirements are not included in the reciprocity agreements between states. The mutual recognition of handgun possession privileges between states has not changed and is listed on this website.
Know before you go! You are strongly advised to check state and local laws regarding the carrying of handguns before you travel to another state. Many states honor Tennessee Handgun Carry Permits, however local laws and restrictions do apply.
If a person with a handgun permit from another state decides to become a resident of Tennessee, such person must obtain a Tennessee handgun permit within six (6) months of establishing residency in Tennessee
All applicants, regardless of permits issued by another state, will be processed as originals. The applicant must:
A facially valid handgun permit, firearms permit, weapons permit or license issued by another state shall be valid in this state according to its terms and shall be treated as if it is a handgun permit issued by this state; provided, however, the provisions of this subsection (r) shall not be construed to authorize the holder of any out-of-state permit or license to carry, in this state, any firearm or weapon other than a handgun.
Tennessee authorizes the holders of facially valid handgun permit, firearms permit, weapons permit, or a license issued by another state according to its terms to carry a handgun only in the state of Tennessee.
The person must be in possession of the permit or license at all times such person carries a handgun in Tennessee.